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Tools! Tools! Duct tape, zip ties and gloves! I have to have my tools!
cassidy will oddly love the taste of coins, he loves the way brass looks, he used to be into bird watching, never been a book guy he can barely pay attention to reading for longer than a few minutes cause he has to reread the paragraphs, and he forgets to zip his fly so much
7 am, so it begins again, 1 zip favouring familiar silhouettes
昨日の朝はZIP!で水卜アナ夫婦見れてほっこりした気分になったー♡ その後からはまたスルーでずっと泣いた… と言うか勝手に涙出た…笑 いい加減割り切らないとなんだろうな… イライラもするけど悲しい…
It’s amazing what fresh food/non processed can do…been on track since the year started but down another 8 lbs on this cut due to walking (Mountain hike during zip lining) and eating amazing fresh food despite drinking everyday lol..
Nice to see money going to education. Today, FPL & Florida Prepaid College Foundation announced their partnership to award $4.2 million in college scholarships to students living in the most poverty-stricken zip codes in the state.
Passing Pedri’s is a good passer of the ball , he knows when to zip it , when to play it through , when to switch it , bottom line is he knows what pass to give at almost every moment